Photo: Pawel Iwanow

The auditions this year will have the first 2 rounds online.

Both rounds consist of an online task and interview.

We strongly encourage for students to meet us before the school year in Härnösand, to physically find out who we are, how the program functions, to guide you in your choice whether this program is suitable for your aims and wishes.

Do you want to know more about us before you decide whether you want to do audition for us?

Every Thursday we have open house: everyone can meet us anytime of the day  online and follow our classes or workshops.

All you need to do is write us an email to latest on the Wednesday before with the title:

Request to join online

and we will send you a link to the online meeting plus a schedule for the day.

Or even pass by for a day or even a week if you have the opportunity:

you can even take class with us.

You are always welcome, write to us before you want to come.

If you apply and you are not Swedish,